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Diabegard Tab 120's

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LIVVON DIABEGARD consists of a healing protein obtained from the seeds of bitter gourd. The extracted protein is known as Polypeptide – k and helps to regulate blood sugar level in the body. 

Diabegard Protects Your Pancreas

  • Do you consume food rich in carbohydrates?
  • Do consume alcohol regularly?
  • Do you consume processed or refined food often?
  • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?
  • Are you constantly under tremendous pressure at work or at home?

If your answer is yes to any one of these questions, then the health of your pancreas is in danger. Regular consumption of food rich in carbohydrates, alcohol and refined food puts your pancreas under tremendous pancreas to produce sufficient amount of insulin to mop up the spike in glucose levels. Consuming polypeptide-k will relieve the pressure off your pancreas and allow it to recover from a traumatic state to a healthy organ.

Diabegard dosage according to individual's blood glucose level:-

 Blood glucose level (mmol/L)

 Diabegard dosage

5.5 – 7.0

 1 tablet, twice a day

7.1 – 10.0

 1 tablet, thrice a day

> 10.0

 1 tablet, four times a day

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Brand Diabegard

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